Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Scare...

So this adventure started off quite interesting last night. Since I am not a leader but had to get here early with Matthew, there are times when the leaders have meetings which I cannot go to. So last night they all went to the meeting about 15 mins away from the hotel at a church and I just stayed in my room. (By the way my room is a little living room where we will have 4 people staying and I think that I am sleeping on a hide-a-bed all summer! How fun is that?!?) When I was sitting in my room I heard a door in one of the other rooms open and shut. I freaked out a little, called Matt, and then crept into the other rooms to check it out. I noticed that one of the other outside doors wasn't locked so I did that and then checked all around the rooms finding nothing. But Satan decided to play more tricks on my mind and I kept hearing other doors open and close outside, noises from other rooms, and keys clinking outside my windows. I got pretty scared and I think that Matt was pretty worried too. I tried calling Matthew but he didn't answer so I just sat and watched Hannah Montanna while talking to Matt. (Hannah Montana was just to get some noise and my mind off the situation) Finally the leaders came back and everything was good but this was quite the beginning to the summer. So today I am going to hang out with the wife of one of the leaders and their kids during the meetings so that I won't have another situation like last night!

Here's my room right now. We are going to put a bunk bed in it and fix it up a bit but there's four of us living in here with no door or anything so it will be quite interesting! :) I'm excited!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are OK. I was kind of worried... :)
I like the plan for tonight!