Sunday, June 21, 2009

Life in Florida...

So here’s a random little update about various things that have been going on in my life for the last couple of weeks.

McDonald’s has been INCREDIBLE! First of all… It’s hard. We work SO hard and I get so tired working there. So never complain at any fast food restaurant ever again. I have been doing the first window for drive through a lot but then also filling the drinks for the drive through, handing out the food in the drive through, and front counter register. It has been very humbling and my patience has also been tested many times. But God has been moving through me and my roommates there in awesome ways. Three of our coworkers are coming to our meetings every week and are very hungry for the Lord. And Friday, another one of our coworkers told me that she just bought a Bible and really wants to read it and learn about some stuff. We have also been able to have great conversations with a ton of other coworkers and just have really gotten to know them. God is faithful and has really shown me the importance of carrying the gospel wherever I go and relying on Him.

Also, we have had some great hang out/social times. One of them was a scavenger hunt where we were split into teams and all had to dress up. Our team dressed up like bikers and then we all had to run all over Panama City and do all these different activities. Here’s some pictures.
My roommates all dressed up!

I also had the blessing of being able to go out to supper with Matthew the other day and just had some great conversation. We actually don’t see each other very much at all and have hardly talked so this was so great. I loved getting this time with him and just being able to share our lives with each other for a little bit.

And last but not least, God has been teaching me some incredible things since I have been down here. Some of them are: His divine plan, His control, His strength, the power of the gospel, and also that He will never bless us beyond what we can handle. I think that the last one is a big one for me because I often can’t figure out why God takes so long in answering my prayers or what I think that I need in my life. But in reality He sees the big picture and knows that if He were to give me certain things, there could be consequences that I can’t see or they could cause me to sin in new ways as well. This has been a hard thing to wrap my head around, but very worth it. God has the ultimate plan and He understands what is best even when it doesn’t match what we think is best.

I miss you all and I REALLY miss Iowa and the beauty and smallness of it. It truly is a blessing even you don’t see it. I can’t wait to see you soon!


Nicole Suzanne Farley said...

Hey babe! I don't know how I missed this one, but I did and am just reading it now. I love you! Sorry we didn't get to talk the other day, I had just gotten up from a nap and was in that really deep tired state, you know?! I love you though, and miss you TONS!

Nicole Suzanne Farley said...

Sorry for another one...can you post your address down there on my blog when you get the chance? I wanted to send our prayer cards to you guys. :)

Laura said...

Amy! It was great to hear another update. It seems like God is teaching you some amazing things...and I likes seeing the pictures, I feel as though i can visualize it better :)