Thursday, January 14, 2010

Self-Control... No... Spirit-Control

In the past, self-control has been by far the hardest thing for me in so many areas, but I believe that I may have just turned a new leaf and I have no reason but that it must be from the Lord.

Since being at school, I have...

-Worked out twice (more than all of last semester)
-Been on time for all of my classes
-Used my planner for all assignments and 'appointments'
-Eaten a GOOD, HEALTHY meal for lunch and supper every day
-But most importantly, gotten good time in the Word every day.

I know that I have only been back for 5 days, but still that isn't like me at all, so what else can it be but Spirit-Control.


Rachel Farley said...

You encourage and inspire me. Stay strong girl!

Kristin said...

so proud of you :)