Monday, February 8, 2010

Made My Day...

So as Matt was driving me back to Roth today, he decided that he wanted an iced coffee from McDonald's... (which by the way is a 3/4 full glass of ice, four shots of syrup, four shots of cream, and then filled with cold coffee. I have to use all that McDonald's knowledge somehow.)...But as we pulled up my eyes filled with excitement as I saw this on the menu...

FRAPPUCCINOS have finally made their way to McDonald's and are only $2.49! WOOHOO!!! Now I just need to work their again so I can give the secret recipe to these away as well!


Nicole Suzanne Farley said...

BLAH!!!!!!! I'm so excited! Will you please drink one EVERY DAY for me? Are they good? At first I thought maybe talking to me had made your day...but then I saw this, and you're right...this is SO MUCH BETTER!!! :) I forgot you worked at McDonalds...hmmm.

Angela said...

so knowledgeable cousin! I'll probably think of you from now on when I see McDonald's iced coffee!