Friday, May 7, 2010


We (my parents, grandpa, and I) are currently in Atlanta, Georgia for Matthew's graduation from college. I am super excited about being here to support him for this event! We got here yesterday (Thursday) and hung out a bit and then I went to visit a few of my friends from this past summer while my parents visited some high school friends and Matthew and Papa just hung out! Then today the 'adults' went to some programs for Matthew while I continued to enjoy my young days of no responsibility with my friends. Then tonight we all had some good home cooked dinner and are settling into bed now. Matthew graduates tomorrow and then we are going to Mary Poppins at the Fox theater (so kinda like Broadway) here in Atlanta for Mother's Day. (Shhh... it's a surprise but I don't think mom will read this before then.) Then tomorrow night Matthew is having a joint graduation party with two of his good friends and we are also helping move him out of the fraternity.

I am so proud of Matthew and how hard he has worked in his college years. He is graduating top of his graduating class within his college and has made such an impact on campus. As we walk around and see how he interacts with all the people around him, you can see how much he loves everyone and how much they respect and enjoy him as well! He is a wonderful brother with such a heart and I am so proud of him!

Way to go Matthew, Tech Grad of '10!


Rachel Farley said...

You are such a good sister! Sounds like you are having a blast! Congrats to Matthew!! He is such a great guy and sounds like he really made a difference while he was down there. How inspiring!

Nicole Suzanne Farley said...

YAY FOR BROTHERS that are AWESOME! Love you Matthew (and Amy, of course!)

Unknown said...

That's so fun! Good Job Matthew!
good post babe.

Anonymous said...

Amy - you put it so eloquently. What a GREAT sister and daughter. It is delightful doing life with you. Wasn't it a GREAT weekend?
And i LoVED driving back to Iowa with you. Those 20+ hours are a treasure in my heart. I love you! mama