Monday, June 14, 2010

The day of flight!

Well, today is the day. Yesterday after saying goodbye to Matthew and Matt, my parents and I drove to Chicago and stayed with a couple that we are good friends with. It has been very relaxing and fun to catch up with them. We leave in 4 hours for the airport and then I leave tonight at 7:20 from the airport! And then straight on to Delhi. A 15 hours flight! WOOHOO!!! I will get to Delhi tomorrow morning at 10:00 which is 8:20 p.m. their time. Nicole will pick me up from the airport and we will stay in Delhi that night and continue our travels via train and taxi the next day! I am so excited! I will be in India in less than 24 hours now! WOAH! I will try to update this as frequently as possible but with all the fun planned, who really knows!


Nicole Suzanne Farley said...

WAHOO!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!! You're coming to visit!!!!!!! I'll meet you there!!!!!! I only get 4 1/2 hours of sleep!!!!! Can't wait to see you SO SOON!

Cindy said...

Amy have a great time! I can tell that you and Nicole are just a little excited! HA!

Laura said...

YAY!!!! This is so exciting! I was just thinking today how I was pretty sure you left today! Have a wonderful time...I can't wait to see you and hear about your adventures!!!!