Wednesday, September 29, 2010

An answer to the impossible!

 Last night I got a message from my dad which basically made my whole day/week/month/year/etc.  Basically Chris, my rocking brother-in-law, figured out how to hook up my dad's new hearing aids to a phone so that what comes through the phone goes directly into Dad's hearing aids.  This allows him to be able to hear everything said very clearly and effortlessly.  PRAISE GOD!!!  Success has been found finally!  It was so good to hear his excitement and to have him say that he actually heard what I said on my message.  It was really easy to hear him too (since the device doesn't use a normal phone mic he didn't know how clear it would be).  So although his hearing is not healed, the Lord has blessed him through this!  One step towards the 'impossible' prayer of complete healing!



Rachel Farley said...

WOW!! Go Chris!! That is so awesome! That is so exciting for your dad!! Yeah :D Praise Jesus!!!!

The Paine Family said...

That is SO wonderful! What a difference this will make for your family. Love your brother-in- law and love your faith. Indeed, everything is possible with God!

Kristin said...

WOw!! What an amazing answer to prayer after all this time!! Praise Jesus!!! So excited!