Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Big Sister...

Today is a wonderful day because today is my big sister's 27th birthday!  

Nicole and me in Ireland

My sister is a huge blessing in my life.  She has always been someone that I look up to and love incredibly!  She is one of the biggest supports in my life and is always there for me.  She is so selfless and has such a heart for others.  Her faith is so encouraging and everything that she does comes from a desire to spread and glorify the name of Jesus.  She is a wonderful wife and has taught me so much through watching her relationship with Chris. She has huge dreams and doesn't let the world say that she can't accomplish them but rather puts all that she has into them. She has the most beautiful voice and is the world's BEST music teacher!  (I hope to someday be one-fourth as good as her.)  She is one of the only people that I can go from having a long heart-to-heart talk with to immediately rolling on the floor in laughter. She loves traveling and studying different cultures. She's just the best!

Nicole and me in India
Near the top of a Himalayan mountain.
Just being silly!

Nicole, I love you so much!  Thanks for being the world's best sister and friend!  You Rock!  Happy Birthday!


Brian said...

YOU are a gem Amy! This is such a sweet post and I echo it :)

Nicole is incredible and is definitely a blessing!

Love you both and SO glad to call you my sisters! Wowza God has blessed me!!!!

-RACHEL definitely NOT Brian :) just under his account although I know he would echo the fact that you girls are awesome

Nicole Suzanne Farley said...

Oh sister...I LOVE YOU! Thank you, I feel so very loved by this post and by YOU! You're the best, can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Angela said...

Happy Birthday Nicole!