Monday, April 25, 2011


On Wednesday, April 20th, I got out of class at 11:50 and saw that I had 3 or 4 missed calls from Matt along with a few texts.  When I called him back he asked:

"Amy, How do you feel about being married to a pharmacist?"

Matt was officially accepted into the University of Iowa's School of Pharmacy for this fall.  This is extremely exciting since he has been going back and forth between applying and waiting and taking tests and waiting for the past 2 years.  I am so proud of him and know that he will make a wonderful pharmacist!

Also... Matt received 2 job offers today in Coralville/Iowa City.  He isn't sure which one he will take yet but it's exciting to have some more concrete provision from the Lord.

And... we signed a lease for our apartment for this summer.  It is in Coralville behind the mall and very close to both of Matt's job offers and where I have been applying for jobs.  Here's a few pictures of what it looks like right now with the current tenant living in it.  

One of the two bedrooms.

Bathroom (right next to the 2 bedrooms)

Kitchen which connects to the next picture

Little "Dining Room" which leads into the living room

Living Room... you can see the bedrooms to the left and kitchen to the right.

Other side of the living room!
We are moving in May 15th and are very excited!  I'll post other pictures once we are in and settled!!!


Nicole Suzanne Farley said...

OH YAY! That's so so SO exciting about his job offers! And I SERIOUSLY love this apartment and can't wait to help you move in...and I SERIOUSLY love you and can't wait to be double sisters and love that Matt's going to be a pharmacist!

Rachel Farley said...

SO happy that everything is official! Praise God!

Oh, Amy you are going to have a home and a husband! Seriously the life you were made for :) I can't wait for you guys!

You are going to make this place so homey and Matt is very lucky to have you as his wife.

Can't wait to call you Amy Farley! Love you!!