Monday, February 13, 2012


So I am now officially an elementary school teacher (at least for the past 3 days and future week). I am in complete control of the whole day during student teaching. And I am really loving it. Here's a few quotes from the process

M "Mrs. Farley, Mrs. Farley...." (continues excitingly screaming)
Me: "M... you need to sit down."
M: "No (in a very persistent tone) I need to introduce myself. (voice changes to a sweet caring sound) I'm M, and I'm very glad to meet you."

T: (raising his hand and my cooperating teacher [CT] calls on him) "She's cute" (points to me)

T: (he's a very naughty kid and after one class I got down to his level and gave him a little talk about how he needs to act in class) "Ok Mrs. Farley" (promptly turns to his friends) "She tried to kiss me."

W: (Native American boy...comes up to me almost in tears) "TN called me an idiot." (I go over to TN)
Me: "TN did you call W an idiot?"
TN: "No I called him an Indian"
(Well good... because we shouldn't be calling people idiots but what were you doing calling him an Indian?)

QUOTE 5: (all in one recess time)
N: (runs up after recess) "C hit me in the face,"
Me: Ok...where is he?
N: I don't know
S: (girl who comes running up) "C is stuck in the snow"
Me: oh no... well let's go get him. (we go get him where his leg is stuck in a snow drift)
Me: (to C) "Did you hit N?"
C: Well yeah... but he hit me too! (OH BOY!!!)

S: Mrs. Farley, H called me a stupid mean girl.
Me: Well let's go find her. (Not another one)
Me: (to H) "Did you call S a stupid mean girl?"
H: "She called me dumb."

QUOTE 6: (this happens almost daily)
E: "Mrs. Farley...come watch what I can do with the jump rope."
Me: "Ok E."
E: (proceeds to simply jump rope, maybe throwing in a cross of the arms once in awhile...and jumps for about 3 minutes before she allows me to walk away.)

Me: "Let's find the F word in the music room that coordinates with what we are talking about."
(maybe next time I should switch up the wording of that sentence)

Me: (after talking about skips and steps and singing a song with the word skippity in it) "Ok here's the next example to figure out... this one's trickity."

Me: (to a Kindergarten class) "What do your valentine's look like this year?"
K1: "My family went to a restaurant last night."
Me: "Oh that's very cool K1." (turning to K2) "What do yours look like?"
K2: "My dog and I like running in the park with my dad. Sometimes we walk down there and play."
Me: "How exciting." (turning to K3) "What do your valentines look like?"
K3: "I like to color pictures of horses and sometimes my brother colors with me."
(Good thing we are getting somewhere now.)

Me: (singing a song about decorating a valentine...I asked them what they would use to decorate it. So far we have sung about paints, stickers, glitter, glue, paper...) "What else can we use?"

That should do for now... I'll try to be better at updating this as I go along with any other fun quotes. I have 3 weeks left here and then off to high school. I'm loving it here and my CT is AMAZING!!! So long for now!