Tuesday, November 8, 2011

4 letter word everyone seems to hate...


The forecast for tonight is 1-4 inches of beautiful, unique, incredible white fluff. Whenever I have heard someone talk about this today or have mentioned it to people their first response is "really?" in a monotone, annoyed tone.

Now I'll be the first to say that scraping snow off my car and trying to stomp through feet of snow when late or dressed up are not my favorite things. There are aspects of winter and snow which I could do without HOWEVER...

I can choose to live in Iowa or Texas.
I can choose to be annoyed or excited.
I can choose how I respond to this forecast.

So for the past 4ish years I have chosen to LOVE winter. To embrace everything about it. Why complain?!? We live in Iowa... God has given us 9 months to prepare for snow and since you've experienced it say 20 times before, you know what's coming.

So let's all choose to LOVE winter and when there's a -30 degree windchill and you are outside scraping 2-inch-thick ice off your car which was covered with 2 feet of snow... SMILE because you are experiencing an incredible creation of God in an extremely intimate and interactive way. :)


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely amazing. I love your attitude and you! I can't wait to sit by the fire and drink hot chocolate while we watch the snow fall. :)

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Amy. Well said, well put forth. Thank you for the attitude check! - mom